Mutation Testing Author

Name: T. H. Tse
Affiliation: The University of Hong Kong
1W. K. Chan and Jeffrey C. F. Ho and T. H. Tse
Finding failures from passed test cases: improving the pattern classification approach to the testing of mesh simplification programs
Softw. Test., Verif. Reliab., 20(2), 2010.
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2W. K. Chan and S. C. Cheung and Jeffrey C. F. Ho and T. H. Tse
PAT: A Pattern Classification Approach to Automatic Reference Oracles for the Testing of Mesh Simplification Programs
Journal of Systems and Software, 82(3), March 2009.
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3W. K. Chan and S. C. Cheung and T. H. Tse
Fault-Based Testing of Database Application Programs with Conceptual Data Model
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC'05)Melbourne, Australia, 19 -20 September 2005.
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4T. Y. Chen and T. H. Tse and Zhiquan Zhou
Fault-based Testing Without the Need of Oracles
Information and Software Technology, 45(1), January 2003.
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5T. Y. Chen and T. H. Tse and Zhiquan Zhou
Fault-Based Testing in the Absence of an Oracle
Proceedings of the 25th International Computer Software and Applications Conference on Invigorating Software Development (COMPSAC'01)Chicago, Illinois, 08-12 October 2001.
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