1 | Emine Gokce Aydal and Richard F. Paige and Mark Utting and Jim Woodcock Putting Formal Specifications under the Magnifying Glass: Model-based Testing for Validation Second International Conference on Software Testing Verification and Validation, {ICST} 2009, Denver, Colorado, USA, April 1-4, 2009, 2009. |
| Abstract: Available soon... |
author = {Emine Gokce Aydal and Richard F. Paige and Mark Utting and Jim Woodcock},
title = {Putting Formal Specifications under the Magnifying Glass: Model-based Testing for Validation},
booktitle = {Second International Conference on Software Testing Verification and Validation, {ICST} 2009, Denver, Colorado, USA, April 1-4, 2009},
year = {2009},
address = {},
month = {},
pages = {131--140}
} |
2 | Sean A. Irvine and Tin Pavlinic and Leonard Trigg and John Gerald Cleary and Stuart J. Inglis and Mark Utting Jumble Java Byte Code to Measure the Effectiveness of Unit Tests Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Mutation Analysis (MUTATION'07)Windsor, UK, 10-14 September 2007. |
| Abstract: Jumble is a byte code level mutation testing tool for Java which inter-operates with JUnit. It has been designed to operate in an industrial setting with large projects. Heuristics have been included to speed the checking of mutations, for example, noting which test fails for each mutation and running this first in subsequent mutation checks. Significant effort has been put into ensuring that it can test code which uses custom class loading and reflection. This requires careful attention to class path handling and coexistence with foreign class-loaders. Jumble is currently used on a continuous basis within an agile programming environment with approximately 370,000 lines of Java code under source control. This checks out project code every fifteen minutes and runs an incremental set of unit tests and mutation tests for modified classes. Jumble is being made available as open source. |
author = {Sean A. Irvine and Tin Pavlinic and Leonard Trigg and John Gerald Cleary and Stuart J. Inglis and Mark Utting},
title = {Jumble Java Byte Code to Measure the Effectiveness of Unit Tests},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Mutation Analysis (MUTATION'07)},
year = {2007},
address = {Windsor, UK},
month = {10-14 September},
pages = {169-175}
} |